This summer Dwayne and I made THE smartest choice and bought a summer pool pass at the Holbrook pool. We go to the pool when ever we want and it's only 5 minutes away. Mason and Lily have learned how to swim extremely well and Lily is even trying to dive. Her ballet leaps into the pool are especially amusing to watch. The only draw backs have been the sometimes unpredictable Holbrook weather. Today was one of those days. We got to the pool later than usual and right on the heels of some nasty weather. After being in the pool for only 10 minutes we had to get out because of lighting. Totally understandable to Dwayne and myself, not so much for the kids. They were whining and sulky in the car and I was having visions of dealing with this for the rest of the day and feeling a little sulky myself. Then Lily pipes up from the back of the car.
"Mom can we get a slushie?"
This question is not out of line because we get slushies after going to the pool alot. I mean alot. They know us by name! Dwayne loves them because he can get his Coke fix without drinking soda which is a no-no for him. So when the kids do the "Plllleeeeaaasee!!!" and the puppie dog eyes, he is doing it too. But on this particular day with the temperature dropping, temperamental kids and the prospect of hauling them out of the car and into Circle K (aka Mr. Slushie), I really don't want to do it. So I tell Lily...
"I don't think so Lil, not today."
"But Mom, everything will be better with a slushie. Seriously."
It was then that I realized that I was getting my kids mood alternating beverages. That's right I'm a slushie dealer. Now you might be asking yourself did she stop at Mr. Slushie and bribe her unsuspecting children with caffeine and sugar to be in better happier mood? Yes I did.
Lol! That's funny! It sounds like a conversation I had with Kaitlyn today in the car.