Friday, July 22, 2011

Call E News!

Gerard Butler has died. I'm actually alittle sad. Of course I'm talking about one of my fish. Lula (Stephanie Plum novels)is still happily swimming about in her tank. Unfortunately Gerard is only one more in a long line of celebrity fish of mine that have died. Lenny Kravitz, Mel Gibson and Larry and Bob from Veggie Tales have all come into the family and then left via the porcelain goddess. Maybe it is a little morbid of me to name these pets after real people but hey I'm just twisted that way. It makes me giggle! I get my amusment any way I can these days!

1 comment:

  1. Ok you freaked me out for a little bit. I was about to switch to so I could check the news. Good thing I continued reading. And I want to see pictures of the remodel. I'm thinking about painting Kaitlyn's room and I need some inspiration.
